Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Journal #6

 Jennifer Lau
GED 512
Journal Entry

Journal Entry 6:  Self Reflection

I have learned a lot though this course.  It has been a challenge, though.  I never thought I would ever see the back end of a website, let alone create the code for my own.   Although I am still learning, it is something I know I’ll need to keep working at, but will be truly rewarding in the end when I can create my own running website. 

The challenges I have encountered throughout the course have been understanding the coding and how it all comes together.  I have always created pieces through Print Shop programs where everyone was so amazed with what I created, but know I look back and am quite saddened by how much I didn’t know.  I wish I had a basic foundation and understanding of CSS and HTML before I started the course because everything goes so quickly in the quarter and I had to grasp a lot.  In the end, though, it is all worth it and I just have to keep at it.

The most helpful to me were the book exercises and class labs.  The class labs were more direct and I had an opportunity to ask my classmates and professor for help.  The book exercises were helpful with their step by step directions and explanations within each chapter, but sometimes I found myself having to figure things out because I didn’t already have the background knowledge to problem solve or trouble shoot an issue. 

I have a lot to learn, but I look forward to the next course where I can build upon what I have learned, continue to practice the skills, and create something more spectacular than what I had with Print Shop.

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